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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Stay Tuned For The Same Old Republican Lies

Coming soon to a media market near you:

"The GOP (Grand Old Prevaricators), who brought you the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in 2004, have been test-marketing another TV ad campaign."

"The fabrication this time: the war in Iraq. The target: any Democratic candidate who speaks out against the U.S. mission during the mid-term elections. The venue for the test is Minnesota."

"Two ads have run so far. Both have caused a furor."

They go on to describe the ads, and it looks like the Republicans are going to continue to promote the same lies that have been continuously refuted from the time they began telling them. They're still claiming the war in Iraq is about fighting the Al-Qaeda terrorists.

How many times does this have to be proven to be the deliberate lie that it is? You would think by now that it would be easy to exploit the Republican and administration lie about the non-existant connection between Iraq and "the terrorists", as being made be people who obviously have no intention of ever speaking the truth to the American people, about anything. It should be easy to show that even in the face of facts to the contrary, they continue to take us for fools, filling their speech with fanciful tales that only die-hard fanatics could possibly conceive as being anything close to reality.

If this is to be the tactic of the upcoming elections, it must be continuously and relentlessly countered with the truth. We cannot allow the media to continue to play along by repeating these lies unchallenged. We must write, email, and call our local media as well as national, to insist they stop accepting the proven lies as fact, and not challenging them at all. They must be made aware that we know what the truth is, and insist that our media give it as much if not more exposure than they're giving to the lies. To carry it further, we should seek out the sponsors of all the media outlets who promote the lies, and warn them that their bottom lines could suffer if they continue sponsoring news shows that are purposely deceiving the public by repeating previously exposed lies.

The liars depend on the media to get their message out, and the media must also be used by those promoting the truth. We should not wait until the campaigns are in full swing, we must start now.



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