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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Instruments of Statecraft: U.S. Guerilla Warfare, Counterinsurgency, and Counterterrorism, 1940-1990

"Instruments of Statecraft: U.S. Guerilla Warfare, Counterinsurgency, and Counterterrorism, 1940-1990 was published in 1992 by Pantheon Books, a division of Random House, Inc."

"Informed by recently declassified and previously unpublished documents, Instruments of Statecraft is an authoritative study of American covert, unconventional warfare waged against ideological adversaries, from the Truman administration up to the recent war in the Persian Gulf."

"Since World War II, assassination, sabotage, kidnaping, torture, the overthrow of foreign governments, and other terroristic activities have been intrinsic to our national defense policy. These have been justified time and again as necessary to combat communist insurgency and, more recently, terrorism-as the only effective response to the barbarism ascribed to, or projected onto, our enemies- be they Sandinistas or the PLO."

"So it is that America has maintained forces -including the OSS, the CIA, the Green Berets, and the Delta Force-that have specialized in dirty warfare with impunity, in Nicaragua, Lebanon, Laos, Vietnam, the Philippines, Afghanistan, Guatemala, Africa, Cuba, Central America, and Greece, among other places."

"Michael McClintock gives a fascinating and alarming expose of the dark side of American foreign policy, while examining its tactical roots-from the pronouncements of Clausewitz and Raymond Aron, to its ideological basis in the Monroe Doctrine, Theodore Roosevelt's "Big Stick" foreign policy, and Woodrow Wilson's post-colonialist crusade."

This is a very extensive look into our Cold War past. Even a brief read will show that the events of today, really aren't all that out of character for the U.S. government. It shows that such secret, clandestine activities are not the recent invention of the current administration, neither are they confined just to "Conservative Hawks", as many Liberals seem to believe, or at least behave. These activities have become a bureaucratic institution that transcends party-lines.

Only by understanding our place in world history, can we even begin to comprehend why there are those that actually hate America. Believing as our current President would have us believe, that "they hate us because of our freedoms", or of some other American ideology, is to judge history through a clouded and broken lense.

While it must be aknowledged that we've benefitted many in the world, a number of times it came at the expense of others. Others caught in the crossfire. Too many times, in an effort to achieve the "Greater Good", we've made ememies out of previously neutral or friendly populations that would, from time to time, come and bite us in the ass, then we'd be subjected to some cover-story put out by our own government that would mask our own complicity in causing their anger in the first place.

If however, you prefer to live in the fairytale land that our government has dutifully provided for us through the years, then you'll definitely want to avoid the link in this post. And indeed, avoid this whole blog as well, because as well all know, it's fashionable today to brand as unAmerican, anything and anyone that doesn't blindly parrot the "official" line, and only speak of the country we love, in the best possible light, pretending and insisting that there are no shadows.


The War on Al Jazeera

"If the classified memo detailing President Bush's alleged proposal to bomb the headquarters of Al Jazeera is provided to The Nation, we will publish the relevant sections. Why is it so vital that this information be made available to the American people? Because if a President who claims to be using the US military to liberate countries in order to spread freedom then conspires to destroy media that fail to echo his sentiments, he does not merely disgrace his office and soil the reputation of his country. He attacks a fundamental principle, freedom of the press--particularly a dissenting and disagreeable press--upon which that country was founded. " --The Editors (of The Nation)

"Al Jazeera's real transgression during the "war on terror" is a simple one: being there. While critical of the Bush Administration and US policy, it is not anti-American--it is independent. In fact, it has angered almost every Arab government at one point or another and has been kicked out of or sanctioned by many Arab countries. It holds the rare distinction of being shut down by both Saddam and the new US-backed government. It was the first Arab station to broadcast interviews with Israeli officials. It is hardly the Al Qaeda mouthpiece the Administration has wanted us to believe it is. The real threat Al Jazeera poses is in its unembedded journalism--precisely what is needed now to uncover the truth about the Bush-Blair meeting."

This piece sheds light on the repeated attacks by our government against Al Jazeera. Because it didn't fall into line and behave like our own "free press", by only reporting in detail, attacks against coalition forces, and not on attacks made by the coalition, they've been considered, in the words of our President; "If you're not with us, you're with the terrorists".

It's very understandable that a nation at war would want to, and need to, censor sensitive information about military operations. However, this administration has gone much farther than that. They've attempted to see to it that journalists are excluded from events they never want known, and completely ban the ones who don't report in the way they're told to. By preventing the media access, instead of at least allowing them to document events, for publication at at a later time, such as at the end of hostilities, they are attempting to ensure that any activities that could be viewed by the public as counter to American (and the worlds') sensibilities, are forever kept out of the historical record, leaving us with only propaganda.

It's impossible to "win the hearts and minds" of any people towards adopting our ideals, while consistantly proving to them that even we don't abide by them.


Friday, December 02, 2005

NSA releases Gulf of Tonkin info

"On 30 November 2005, the National Security Agency (NSA) released the first installment of previously classified information regarding the Vietnam era, specifically the Gulf of Tonkin incident. This release includes a variety of articles, chronologies of events, oral history interviews, signals intelligence (SIGINT) reports and translations, and other related memoranda."

"The Gulf of Tonkin incident, like others in our nation's history, has become the center of considerable controversy and debate. It is not NSA's intention to prove or disprove any one set of conclusions, many of which can be drawn from a thorough review of this material. Instead, through this and subsequent public releases, we intend to make as much information as possible available for the many scholars, historians, academia, and members of the general public who find interest in analyzing the information and forming their own conclusions."

Well it's about time.


National Parks to Seek Corporate Sponsorships

"In a quiet but far-reaching change, the National Park Service is poised to adopt a new policy of aggressively seeking corporate sponsorship of park projects and facilities. In return for financial sponsorships, the plan will give corporate donors naming rights, use of National Park symbols and personnel in advertising and much greater influence over park managers, according to public comments filed today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER)."

Beyond the obvious problems that will arise from such a plan, the fact that they've even considered it, raises questions in my mind as to why they should need it.

The government always seems to find the money they need for their overseas shinanigans, most of which have no direct benefit to the American public. Individual members of the Legislature always seem to get the money they need for pork-barrel pet projects for their home states, just to win votes. They apparently feel that our government can afford to lose billions annually in tax revenue, that they give ever-increasing tax breaks, as well as providing tax loopholes to the wealthy and their corporations. And lets not forget they never fail to vote themselves pay raises.

They just don't see a value in properly funding our National Parks. Seems whenever there's a need for maintaining or increasing federal funding to projects that are of value to the average American, they can't seem to locate any. They're so busy spending billions per day trying to influence and meddle in the affairs of other countries that our own can't even support itself. I'm not an Isolationist, but we should not be relegating to second-place, all the basic functions of our government, in favor of political prestige-building activities abroad. Not to mention all the money we spend conducting operations to make the world safe for the same American corporations that get all those tax breaks. Not one penny should leave our shores unless the needs and desires of the American people are satisfied first.


Cheap Oil for America's Poor

"Venezuela has agreed to sell heating oil at discount prices in low-income communities in Chicago, New York and Boston."

"Venezuela's president has decided to expand his Oil-for-the-Poor program and sell cheap oil to the No. 1 superpower of the world. The Houston-based petroleum company CITGO, wholly owned by Venezuela, will begin the program in Boston. Up to 12 million gallons of heating oil will be offered at a bargain price, representing $10 million in savings for locals, according to CITGO."

Here's a story I seem to have missed when first reported back on Nov 22nd. Funny how a supposed enemy cares more about the affects on the poor because of high heating prices, than our own government. The Congress refused to act to aide those hardest hit by high heating oil prices, while American owned companies just sit back and soak up the profits. Granted, much of that profit is needed to repair hurricane damage, but they certainly could've done a good deed by doing just what Chavez did, by specifically targetting areas most in need. The alternative is a large number of citizens dying for lack of heat, in the richest nation on earth.

We allow our government to give excessive tax breaks to, and even bail out, big businesses when they get into financial trouble through mismanagement, but when it's time to return the favor, inaction and silence.


Thursday, December 01, 2005

Common Sense - By Thomas Paine

"Common Sense is perhaps the work single most responsible for the American Revolution. It brought the idea of freedom and liberty down from the intellectuals to the common American colonist. Written by Thomas Paine and published January 10th, 1776, it was the first publication to openly ask for independence from Britain."

Here I present a bit of American history. If you're not an American, it doesn't matter, it should be of interest to everyone.

On this site you'll find download links to a two part audio version of Common Sense. The two parts total 25MBs, but even if you're on a dialup connection, they're well worth it.

Though the theme of the piece deals with the reasons we should remove ourselves from the yoke of the British Empire, it's as relevant today as it was more than two hundred years ago, as it describes the perils of unfettered government. All peoples of the world can benefit and gain insight by understanding why we chose to rebel against what was then, the most powerful empire in the world. Everyone of every nation can use Paines' words to judge the value of the rulers they currently live under.

And we Americans very much need to hear these words from our past, to remind us why we should not be led astray from the form of government that has endured for so long, no matter what the current circumstances are.

If this doesn't interest you, maybe there's some other Free Audio that will.


Bush concern at Iraq 'propaganda'

The White House has expressed concern over reports that the US military is planting favourable stories about Iraq in the Baghdad press.

"We are seeking more information from the Pentagon," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said.

"We need to know what the facts are," he told reporters.

The US, Mr McClellan said, was "a leader when it comes to promoting and advocating a free and independent media around the world, and we will continue to do so".

He added: "We've made our views very clear when it comes to freedom of press."

Oh they've got to be kidding. Who, just who in their right mind is going to believe that they didn't know.

The White House certainly has made their views clear though. They bought favorable media coverage at home, they saw to it that the military "embedded" reporters in Iraq so they woundn't wander off to see and report something they shouldn't, they censor the White House press corp by banning any news agency whose reporters ask the wrong questions, they use their lackeys to accuse anyone who reports the truth or at least questions the lies, as being a part of the dreaded "Liberal Media". They said from the start they were going to use the media to spread misinformation in both Iraq and the War on Terror. Yes, their views are very clear, which makes it impossible to believe they didn't authorize the military to buy it's own favorable coverage.

Plausible Deniability only works when it's plausible.


U.S. military propaganda for Iraqis

"U.S. Army officers have been secretly paying Iraqi journalists to produce upbeat newspaper, radio and television reports about American military operations and the conduct of the war in Iraq.

U.S. officials in Washington said the payments were made through the Baghdad Press Club, an organization they said was created more than a year ago by U.S. Army officers. They are part of an extensive American military-run information campaign - including psychological warfare experts - intended to build popular support for U.S.-led stabilization efforts and erode support for Sunni Muslim insurgents."

Well no one should be surprised at this. This is just what the White House has been doing at home; paying reporters for good press, and to promote it's causes. This is what this government does when their actions don't appear to get the proper responses in the press.

The problem is the secrecy, not their attempts to put government actions in a good light. Once upon a time, we used the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe to send information behind the Iron Curtain and elsewhere. It was legitimate then because it was in the open and obvious to the listener exactly who and where the information from those broadcasts were coming from. Now, I've know that we've also planted news stories in the media of other countries for decades, but we weren't initiating "regime change" at the time.

This is different. This is done, in secret, during an operation in which we are supposed to be introducing democracy to the Iraqi people, it's benefits and it's institutions. To accomplish that, we need to establish trust in those people. You don't get that trust by deceiving them. To put out our own paper, radio and TV broadcasts, clearly identifying them as originating from the U.S. government, is what should've been done. But just like here at home, secretly influencing the press has the opposite affect. It sends the message that even the U.S. government doesn't trust a free press. Of course, we already know that here, but how do we expect to instruct Iraq on democratic institutions when we subvert them at the same time?

Remember, early into the war (or was it just before?), the government stated that they would be using propaganda and disinformation, but it probably didn't occur to many that they would do it by corrupting the press with cash payments.

And just what else are we corrupting over there?


Welcome to Germany, 1933

"The Defense Department has expanded its programs aimed at gathering and analyzing intelligence within the United States, creating new agencies, adding personnel and seeking additional legal authority for domestic security activities in the post-9/11 world."

I took the above article quote from the page of another blogger, who, like me, has seen little to nothing made of this story, that came out in the Washington Post several days ago. I waited to see if there would be any reaction before posting it myself, but haven't found any. This appears to be another example of how very important information does manage to come out, yet no one seems to care. I blogged directly to this bloggers page instead of the article because it also gives a link to a year-old Guardian article that reminds, or informs us (if you hadn't heard yet) about our Presidents' family connection to Nazi fascism.

You may, by now, be getting tired of seeing references made of our current situation, to that of Nazi Germany, but that's just too bad. The grave mistake that always takes place when the original Nazis are brought up, is that the reader/listener immediately thinks of the end result; "Holocaust", "Genocide", "Deathcamps". Understandable, but you cannot prevent historical repeats, unless you understand the roots of historical events. Immediately dismissing any comparisons between the Germany of old, and the U.S. today, also dismisses any attempts at preventing history from repeating itself, because too many think "it can't happen here"

The end results in Germany didn't come about overnight, the German people were conditioned first, and todays events are too serious not to fully comprehend the potential of what may come in the future.


Wednesday, November 30, 2005

War And Freedom - We Can Have Both

In a telegram on November 21, 1943, Winston Churchill defined a fundamental difference between the Anglo-American way of war and that of our enemies. Churchill wrote: "The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgement of his peers, is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist."

"Perhaps Tony Blair and George W. Bush regard Winston Churchill as a bleeding heart lefty. But what Churchill's view represents is an old, very basic principle of Anglo-American warfare and justice: fight war with ferocity, but never lose your democratic soul."

This article echoes what I've been saying about several policies implemented since 9/11. It points out that we are becoming more and more like our enemies, damaging if not destroying our democratic republic by adopting tactics abroad that include indefinate detentions and torture, while at home we're watching our civil liberties corrode and crumble away. We are also allowing the office of the President to become omnipotent and unaccountable.

It reminds the reader that although a leader may require extra powers to fight a war, those powers must be temporary, justified, and discussed. But in declaring an indefinate war against an ideology, "Terrorism", it should be clear to all that any and all extra powers bestowed on this and future Presidents, are to be permanent.

There is also the 'trickle-down' affect. The way that not only the federal governmental powers are growing and becoming totalitarian, but the state and local governments are following in the federal footsteps.

If there's still anyone out there that doesn't get where all this leads, you need to find out just how totalitarian governments come into being. This is the internet, do some homework. Too many people are under the impression that they only come about through the swift, violant overthrow of a peaceful nations' leadership. If you look at the rise of Nazi Germany you'll see that it took a number of years before it became the abomination that we're all familiar with. People asked for years just how the German people could've been led into such a fate. Well, ask yourself, why only last year you abhorred torture, yet today, you're even considering it useful. Go back even further, and you find the Roman Empire was once a Republic. Their Republic lasted a long time, but it still corrupted itself. The lessons are in the details, but the one recurring theme throughout history is that stronger and more harsh State powers, are usually sold to the public as being for their own good, and the failing of the people, is in believing it.

Ours is following the predictable path led by many others, but it's not too late to turn things around. The first step, dealing with denial.


Monday, November 28, 2005

Miami police take new tack against terror

"Miami police announced Monday they will stage random shows of force at hotels, banks and other public places to keep terrorists guessing and remind people to be vigilant."

"Deputy Police Chief Frank Fernandez said officers might, for example, surround a bank building, check the IDs of everyone going in and out and hand out leaflets about terror threats."

"This is an in-your-face type of strategy. It's letting the terrorists know we are out there," Fernandez said."

Looks to me like they feel we aren't terror striken enough, so they're going to act like there's some imminent threat to keep us in fear. Doesn't it seem like we're allowing the authorities to produce and perpetuate a constant state of fear and apprehension, that is supposed to be the goal of the terrorist? If they continue to instill fear, we will continue to bestow on them more and more Police State powers, so they can 'make us safe'. Remember, this so-called War on Terror is open-ended, and meant to last well into the distant future.

Here's a link to a previous post that will show what happens if you stand up for your rights as a free citizen, and I'm hoping that the case of the United States vs. Deborah Davis will reverse the trend that enables the authorities to treat everyone like criminals, with absolutely no cause, other than to pretend to scare away terrorists.


EU threatens sanctions for states operating secret CIA camps

"EU Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini has warned that any European Union nation found to have allowed secret CIA prison camps to operate on their soil could have their EU voting rights suspended."

There's not much more to this article, but it brings to my mind just how short-sighted our imperialist attitude is, especially in regards to the few friends we have left. We still seem to be treating Europe as if the second world war has recently ended, and continue to using it as a staging ground for a fight against an 'Evil Empire', whether they like it or not. The world has changed and this is not how you treat countries who have united to become a union of their own. It's one thing to deal with individual States, when they're independant of one another, but this is no longer the case in Europe.

At this point, the EU is still in it's infancy, but that will change. In time, it will continue to coalesce and become a single world power to rival that of the US. Even if the member States that harbor our secret bases gave their consent, it goes against the ideals and laws of the Union itself (not to mention ours). We can no longer afford to ignore the budding Union in favor of illegal secret deals.

Though it's very possible that the EU itself knew of, and helped hide these operations, it would be one of those deals where they only allowed it, as long as it was kept a secret. But now they have to disavow it, not only because the operations violate internal and international laws as well as EU rules, they also violate their own publics' trust. Of course, their prior knowledge and complicity is just speculation on my part.

Either way, we need to begin treating their Union the same way we would have others treat ours; as a whole, and not as individual States. We can't wait until they grow up, because by then they will be fully united, and have absolutely no tolerance for our meddling. They will wield power that rivals that of the US, if we're lucky. They could conceivably surpass us on practically every level, so should we really be grooming our current allies to become our future ememy.

This is yet more damage that must be repaired, after our nation regains it's sanity.


Sunday, November 27, 2005

GOP Leaders to Bush: 'Your Presidency is Effectively Over'

"A growing number of Republican leaders, party strategists and political professional now privately tell President George W. Bush that his presidency "is effectively over" unless he fires embattled White House advisor Karl Rove, apologizes to the American people for misleading the country into war and revamps his administration from top to bottom."

It's good to see the Republicans trying to reign in the little monster they created, but read our Presidents' response........

"Bush, however, has dug his heels in on Rove. When a GOP strategist suggested last weekend that the President fire Rove, Bush exploded.

"You go to hell," he screamed at the strategist. "You can leave and you can take the rest of these lily-livered motherfuckers with you!" The President then stormed out of the room and refused to meet further with any other party leaders or strategists."

"Bush's escalating temper tantrums and his intransigence on political issues increase Republican worries about the long term effects on both his presidency and the party's prospects in upcoming elections."

Well, I can't see him acquiescing to any of the other suggestions either. Don't forget, when once asked if he listens to any advice from his father, Bush sr., he replied that he listens to a higher father. He's a man on a mission, and has no intention of veering off his course. Even though he's leaving an ever-growing trail of failed policies, and corruption, he still believes he's in the right.

Little by little though, many more Republicans are begining (what took them so long?) to realize that Bush and his inner circle, are not true Republican conservatives, and are doing more damage than good. Half of the country, that never thought Bush was any good, and constantly pointed to a wealth of reasons, had been consistantly ridiculed by his party, and those Evangelicals that have see him as a ticket to Theocracy. Hopefully, reason will return to the Republican party, but not until they purge themselves of this little fanatic that will leave a legacy of failure on every decision he's made. And not until they purge themselves of those non-conservative neocons, and shove them back to the fringes where they belong.
