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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Saturday, March 04, 2006

‘Frauds-R-Us’ - The Bush Family Saga

"The other really important question to ask is how can one family which has so many skeletons in the family closet, get away with such dirty dealings and over such a long period of time without being called to task? It’s as if the mass media goes deaf, dumb and blind when the name Bush comes up. For no matter what your politics are, left, right or indifferent, a family which has its fingers in so many dirty dealings has surely got to get you thinking about exactly what kind of country it is you live in (if you’re an American) and what kind of world is it that’s dominated by a country with a media (not to mention a legal system) that’s quite content not to challenge its president or his lying, thiefing family and their tenticular network of associations which includes: the Mafia, the Chinese Communist Party, Japanese Triads, the Vatican, Central American drug smugglers and gun runners, international arms dealers, the Ayotollah Khomeini (RIP), Cuban-American terrorists, money laundering, illegal arms sales, countless conflicts of interests, nepotism, coverups, tax avoidance, SEC fiddles and banking scams? A veritable ‘school for scoundrels’."

Wow, that's a mouthful. This is a tale that belongs in a Tom Clancy novel, but happens to be real. This guy's done quite a bit of work to put all this together. A number of the families' connections, I was aware of, but others surprised me. As the author states, this really isn't that unusual. It's just a look into one family history, that is but one part of the small percentage of people who really control what goes on in this world. With such a family history, it's no surprise that Junior turned out to be the bastard that he is.

I might as well link you to a previous post, in case you missed it, leading to a free online version of Bush seniors' biography:


CENTCOM Team Engages 'Bloggers'

"Blogs sometimes include information -- accurate and otherwise -- about the U.S. military's global war on terror. U.S. Central Command officials here took notice and created a team to engage these writers and their electronic information forums."

"The main interest is to drive their readers to our site," Army Reserve Maj. Richard J. McNorton said. McNorton is CENTCOM's chief of engagement operations."

"Anyone who wants a virtual voice can create a blog and share information with the online world. The ease with which bloggers spread information is what public affairs officials at CENTCOM saw when they created the blog team."

This is from the Defense Department. This is part of their effort to put a positive spin on the things they do. They claim they're not policing, just trying to correct inaccuracies, and driving readers to their site to get "very factual" and "positive" information.

Well, that's what they'd like everyone to believe, but since I wasn't born yesterday, and have spent years learning of the lies they put out, I think I'll rely on a wee bit more than just their positive propaganda. Besides, we hear their side all the time in mainstream media.

They claim to identify themselves when addressing bloggers, while at the same time, secretly planting "positive" information in the foreign press. You remember the stories about their paying the Iraqi press to put themselves in a good light, without the readers being told the articles were written by the military. We know Bush cronies paid U.S. journalists to promote the administrations' agenda, so would it really be a stretch to assume the military has done the same with our own press? Their budget for propaganda has increased enormously in recent years.

For years they lied about the affects of Agent Orange on Vietnam veterans. For years they lied about the affects of what's been called the Gulf War Syndrome, and I'm sure that any health problems resulting from the current wars will also be lied about in the coming years.

They've lied about many things in the past, and it continues today. They learned from Vietnam, not to let reporters roam free and get stories for themselves, so today we have "embedded" reporters, so the military can see to it that a limited number of reporters only get access to certain areas and people, that will insure favorable reports get out, and bad press limited. Fortunately, there are reporters from other parts of the world that manage to get in a get unsupervised access to the other sides of the stories.

They lie about the abuse of prisoners. They would have us believe that the exposed abuses were committed by just a few bad apples, when in fact, some of the techniques used by these few bad apples, just happened to be standard CIA psychological torture procedures. Just an incredible coincidence, I guess. And make no mistake, psychological torture leaves much more damaging affects than physical torture. When they try and make the case that screwing with someones' mind, isn't really torture, compared to beatings, they're lying.

While I certainly believe in getting information from as close to the source as possible, that doesn't necessarily mean the original source is telling the truth. So yes, go to their site and get their official side of the story, but keep in mind that because of the contract of their service, military personel are not allowed the same freedoms to tell the truth, as those not in the service, and those at the very top that issue the orders, are themselves following orders that demand their loyalty and obedience to their Commander in Chief, who has proven himself to be an extremely secretive, and compulsive liar. So it only stands to reason that if he doesn't want bad publicity (ie; the truth) to get out about his military campaigns, his subordinates will dutifully obey. But even then, some do speak out. More than a few commanders have openly (or speaking off the record) disputed the "official" line.

On the off chance that my humble little blog causes me to be "engaged", they might as well check these other posts for their "accuracy" as well:

They conspire to hide the truth:
Defense Department Refuses to Turn Over Abuse Photographs

The history of their particpation in secret wars:
Instruments of Statecraft: U.S. Guerilla Warfare, Counterinsurgency, and Counterterrorism, 1940-1990

They can't control them, so the ban them from Iraq:
The War on Al Jazeera

Bush tries to pretend he didn't authorize the propaganda:
Bush concern at Iraq 'propaganda'

They secretly subvert the Iraqi press:
U.S. military propaganda for Iraqis

They secretly subvert the rest of the worlds press:
Pentagon rolls out stealth PR

How they really treat bloggers:
Letter From a Military Mom

The faces of their collateral damage:
The "Shock and Awe" Gallery

Just wondering what abuses they've committed here:
A Growing Afghan Prison Rivals Bleak Guantánamo

Their positive spin fails:
Fallujah - The Hidden Massacre

And fails again:
Al Jazeera Reporters Give Bloody First Hand Account of April ’04 U.S. Siege of Fallujah

They poison the people and the environment with their munitions:
UK radiation jump blamed on Iraq shells

Their manuals show torture has been commonplace:
Prisoner Abuse: Patterns from the Past

They've used willing, and unwilling human guinea pigs:
Hidden history of US germ testing

A comparison between CIA torture techniques and the militarys' abused prisoners:
History of CIA Interrogation

More pictures:
Abu Ghraib - Real Video

More of the same:
More Abu Ghraib Photos

I've already posted a link to their Ministry of Propaganda:
The Pentagon Channel

So, spin away, but the truth has a way of revealing itself regardless.


Friday, March 03, 2006

CAFTA's Assult On Democracy

"What does tightening intellectual property laws have to do with "free" trade? That's the question many people in Central American and the Dominican Republic are asking as the United States trade representative continues to insist on dramatic changes to constitutional laws in the six countries involved in the US-Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (otherwise known as CAFTA)."

"As if the agreement itself weren't bad enough for the region—critics say CAFTA will hurt small farmers, worsen workers rights, and lead to environmental degradation, among other negative effects—the US is manipulating the implementation process to demand even further concessions by the six countries involved."

This little article describes a few of the things we're doing to force this not-so-free trade agreement on Central Americans. It points out that many of the governments involved are acting exactly like U.S. puppets are supposed to act, in spite of local opposition.

For those unfamiliar with this latest corporate crusade, here are a few links to bring you up to speed:


Experts Debate Including All Americans in DNA Database

"As DNA databases expand, experts wonder if it is only a matter of time before all Americans will be included."

"National Academies, which advises the country on science issues, those experts debated the benefits and risks of such a database. A larger database could help solve crimes more quickly, a proponent argued, but it would also violate civil liberties, an opponent claimed."

There's nothing to debate here. The issue is clear. Should we consider ourselves guilty until proven innocent, or innocent until proven guilty? Well as Americans, we long ago chose the latter, with all it's obvious consequences, summed up simply as; "it's better to let a guilty man go free, than convict the innocent". So the issue is clear, if you're a real American, then you should insist on retaining the innocent until proven guilty principle. Period.

The problem is that the state, along with their media promoters have established such a state of fear of crime in the citizens, that many choose to give up basic American principles, just to keep them safe. You've heard these people, they all chant the same song; "if you have nothing to hide, then why should you object". That's about as unAmerican as you can get, because it promotes the idea that we should all be treated as guilty of something, and that the state should monitor our every move, so that they can try to anticipate a crime before it happens, which in theory, should ultimately keep us all safe. That should not be the attitude of anyone who claims to live in a free country.

The problem that this attitude creates, is one in which allowed....no, insisted, that police setup random checkpoints, in order to catch drunk drivers. But wait, isn't that a good thing? Look at all the traffic deaths that have occurred as a result of drunks behind the wheels. They always catch at least a few drunks before they cause an accident, so it's worth it, right? Well, actually, no, it's not worth it. It means that all drivers in a certain area are considered criminals until they prove themselves sober, and thus innocent. It means a reversal of the innocent until proven guilty concept. And just so you know, I've lost relatives to drunk drivers myself, and I still hold those checks to be anti-American.

The problem is, that after setting such a precedent, there's no real reason to stop there, after all, those sobriety checkpoints have the endorsement of the Supreme Court. Why not carry it further. We know that there are a certain number of murders committed in this country every day, so let's have the police setup random checks of everyone to determine if they're carrying any weapons on the way to murder someone. Also to check if they possess any evidence that the crime has already been committed. We know there are a number of robberies and burglaries taking place, so let the police check everyone for the criminal tools-of-the-trade for those crimes, as well as checking for stolen property. We know a number of children are kidnapped and/or molested, so everyone seen with a child should be stopped to determine if those crimes are in progress.

Do you see what I'm getting at? Yes, it's the old slippery slope arguement. Don't think it's valid? Then why the hell is there any kind of debate going on about collecting DNA from everyone? The "attitude" is there, and real, and intends to take away every aspect of what it means to live in a free society as an American. If you are not guilty of any crime, and there is no eveidence that points to you as a suspect, then you should not be expected to have to defend yourself in any way, shape, or form. That means you should not have to submit to giving any evidence of yourself, in the form of DNA (or any bio-samples), for the purpose of prosecuting some future crime.

Innocent until proven guilty, is not as easy in practice as it sounds. The hardest part is living with the consequences, but that's the principle this nation was built upon, and it's a defeatist that claims it's an outdated concept. In fact, it's a coward that believes that we should all be guilty until proven innocent. A coward who lives in fear of, not their own shadow, but the shadow of others, and needs the comforting embrace of state authority to give them a false feeling of security, and above all, to "make them safe".


Thursday, March 02, 2006

Are We Ready for the Next 9/11?

"What do gym memberships, the Fourteen Mile Bridge in Mobile, Alabama, and a promotional campaign for a child pornography tip-line have in common? Answer: They all were funded with your homeland security dollars."

"Since September 11, Congress has appropriated nearly $180 billion to protect Americans from terrorism. Total spending on homeland security in 2006 will be at least $50 billion—roughly $450 per American household. But far from making us more secure, the money is being allocated like so much pork. States and cities are spending federal homeland security grants on pet projects that have nothing to do with homeland security; state and local officials fight over who will get the biggest share of the money, regardless of whether they have a legitimate claim to it. And when Congress isn’t doling out cash indiscriminately, it’s overreacting to yesterday’s attacks instead of concentrating on cost-effective defenses against the most likely current threats. The result is an edifice that, far from preventing terrorist assaults, actually makes us more vulnerable by diverting resources from worthier projects."

This is how seriously our politicians are about this farce we call the War on Terror. Business as usual. We'll never be ready for another 9/11, and there's no way we ever could be, even without the nonsense mentioned in the article. It's impossible to prepare for all possible events, so anyone dreaming that anyone can ever "make you safe", is just fooling themselves. As we can see, the politicians aren't taking it seriously, they're having fun with the windfall from HS grants, and couldn't care less about your safety.

There is something we can prepare for though. We should prepare to be hit again, and not fall to pieces like the last time. We can prepare ourselves not to act like sniveling little wussies, begging for mommy and daddy government to protect us at all cost. We can prepare to be told that because of the latest attack, the Constitution and Bill of Rights will be suspended indefinately, to "keep you safe", at which time, we should all be prepared to say, in a very clear and loud voice: "Screw You". We should be prepared to tell them we will not sacrifice any more of our liberties under the pretense of safeguarding them. We should be prepared to reject any lies about our attackers trying to destroy our freedoms, because that particular threat, comes directly from those claiming to defend them.


V.A. Nurse Accused of Sedition After Criticizing Bush

"A Veterans Affairs nurse in Albuquerque, New Mexico, was investigated for sedition after she wrote a letter to a local newspaper criticizing the Bush administration's handling of Hurricane Katrina and the Iraq war. In her first broadcast interview, we speak with Laura Berg, as well as an attorney with the New Mexico chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union."

Well now, speaking of Freedom of Speech. What a coincidence. This is pure political harassment of opponents to the government. Let's see, 'sedition'; Conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of a state. Hmmm, I guess this means I should certainly qualify as well, since I've openly called for an end to the bullshit coming from this government. I've certainly called for our politicians to get up off their sorry asses and abide by the Constitution, and should they fail to do their duty, it then falls upon the citizenry to force them to act.

And to be perfectly clear, the following words should be known, by heart, by every single American citizen, as well as every single U.S. government employee, including the President, who in fact, work for every single American citizen:

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new guards for their future security -- Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. -- The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world."

Those words, written over two hundred years ago, are still valid reason for opposition to tyranny. For my non-American audience (since all Americans should already know it by heart), you can read the rest of our Declaration of Independence here.

As for the original article, go to the page and read the interview of what happened to the nurse who dared exercise her Constitutional right to speak out against the government. Some people just don't get the fact that it's the DUTY of EVERY citizen to speak out whenever they perceive injustice, whenever they see signs of corruption, whenever they see their government acting in a tyrannical manner. It is the sworn DUTY of every public servant, including the President, to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, and if any or all of them cannot, or refuses to, they must be removed from their posititions of power.

If that be seditious, then damn it, so be it.


To the National Security Agency:

This post is directed specifically at my recent visitors from the National Security Agency.

I hope you people at the National Security Agency have enjoyed reading my posts about your activities and those of your crime boss Bush. I'm aware that you have driven certain other bloggers off the 'net, but I'm not going anywhere. I know that you're engaged in activities here at home that have nothing whatever to do with catching any terrorists. You really didn't expect to find any here either, did you? You people at the National Security Agency should stick to the business of protecting the nation against actual threats, and not against political dissenters of that little dictator boss of yours, or his corporate comrades in crime.

Targeting anyone who dares mention the National Security Agency, does absolutely nothing to secure this nation. If people like me, who believe in the Constitution and Freedom of Speech, make you paranoid and nervous, GOOD!! If people like me can stir up enough stink so that those chicken-shit politicians will be forced to put your leash back on, then that's the whole point.

Come back soon now, I'm sure I'll be able to entertain you people at the National Security Agency. And say Hi to your buddies at the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Defense Department too, they've also been by in the past.

And BTW, subscribe to my feed so you won't miss a damn thing.

The "Shock and Awe" Gallery

"The March For Justice is dedicating its "Shock and Awe Gallery" as an authentic historical documentation and evidence of the U.S./British Crime of the Century. As attacks on freedom and the free have become characteristic of contemporary America, we advise and encourage all those who support Truth and Justice, to save our material and to make the utmost use of it, as its intended objective is revealing facts and reality. Should our voice be silenced, we pray that our efforts will contribute to the awakening of the human conscience, yearning for a world of Justice and Peace. To all of the heroes who visited our site, who responded with disagreement or with agreement*, and who care for truth and a world without killing, tyranny or oppression, we remain eternally grateful, for they are the hope for all of us and a sign of good things to come."

Here's a photogallery that some of you with delicate constitutions might not want to visit. It's a compilation of photos depicting the realities of war in general, and our war, in particular. It's not a pretty sight, but it must be seen and realized, that this is what war's all about, and not the glorious crusade that war mongers like to portray it as. This puts faces on the euphemism; "collateral damage".


Tape: Bush, Chertoff Warned Before Katrina

"On the eve of Hurricane Katrina's fateful landfall, President Bush was confident. His homeland security chief appeared relaxed. And warnings of the coming destruction breached or overrun levees, deaths at the New Orleans Superdome and overwhelming needs for post-storm rescues were delivered in dramatic terms to all involved. All of it was captured on videotape."

"The Associated Press obtained the confidential government video and made it public Wednesday, offering Americans their own inside glimpse into the government's fateful final Katrina preparations after months of fingerpointing and political recriminations."

I just watched this report on TV this morning. It shows that, contrary to the Presidents' own words that nobody could anticipate the damage that would be caused by Katrina, he, and others, got plenty of info telling them about what could happen at landfall. It's being said there's no smoking gun, nothing new here, but it plainly proves that in spite of the warnings, the government took no firm action ahead of time, made no real effort immediately afterwords, then proceeded to lie their asses off about what the knew, and when they knew it.

However, when you think about it, there really isn't anything new, because we already know it's just too impossible to believe that none of them, or their aides and assistants, were paying any attention to any of the constant media coverage, before, during, and after the storm. While apologists are saying the tape proves nothing, it clearly shows another example of administration lies.


TIA Lives On

"A controversial counter-terrorism program, which lawmakers halted more than two years ago amid outcries from privacy advocates, was stopped in name only and has quietly continued within the intelligence agency now fending off charges that it has violated the privacy of U.S. citizens."

"Research under the Defense Department's Total Information Awareness program -- which developed technologies to predict terrorist attacks by mining government databases and the personal records of people in the United States -- was moved from the Pentagon's research-and-development agency to another group, which builds technologies primarily for the National Security Agency, according to documents obtained by National Journal and to intelligence sources familiar with the move. The names of key projects were changed, apparently to conceal their identities, but their funding remained intact, often under the same contracts."

Remember this one? Those sneaky bastards just couldn't let a good thing (for them) get by. Again, proving that they care nothing for the will of the people. They care nothing for the rule of law.

What's been the response? Well this article is one week old, and I've heard nothing, have you? Again, a revelation of total disregard for the law, and the silence is deafening. You know, if it wasn't for the internet, it would be hard as hell to learn a fraction of what's been going on in the last few years.

These are the continuing chronicles of an organized crime organization known as the U.S. government. Again, it would be easy to blame the little dictator, but the fact is that the whole government is complicit, as they quietly allow these crimes to continue by simply ignoring them. And don't expect the Democrats to come to the rescue either. At whatever point in the future they eventually get voted back into power, they will have conveniently forgotten all these crimes, in a pursuit to establish their own, and take no action towards punishing these criminals, or rolling back all the anti-American legislations of this New American Century.


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Case for Impeachment

"On December 18 of last year, Congressman John Conyers Jr. (D., Mich.) introduced into the House of Representatives a resolution inviting it to form "a select committee to investigate the Administration's intent to go to war before congressional authorization, manipulation of pre-war intelligence, encouraging and countenancing torture, retaliating against critics, and to make recommendations regarding grounds for possible impeachment." Although buttressed two days previously by the news of the National Security Agency's illegal surveillance of the American citizenry, the request attracted little or no attention in the press—nothing on television or in the major papers, some scattered applause from the left-wing blogs, heavy sarcasm on the websites flying the flags of the militant right. The nearly complete silence raised the question as to what it was the congressman had in mind, and to whom did he think he was speaking?"

Indeed, who in fact was even listening? The silence on this report, and total lack of any calls for action aside from bloggers, is truely shameful. As regular readers here know, I've tossed around the link to that report a number of times myself, frustrated at never hearing it mentioned in Congress or the mainstream media. When I first posted Rep. Conyers' Iraq Report, a few days after release, I hadn't read it yet, so I made no comment. The post I made just prior to it, was on CensureBush.org , a website created in response to legislation by the same Congressman Conyers, calling for censure of both Bush and Cheney for their failure to come clean on the Downing Street Memos. That too has faded into a great big nothing. Ater reading major parts of the Iraq report, I posted Revisiting Congressman Conyers' Iraq Report where I was really pissed at the silence.

Since then I've posted those links a number of times, and regardless of any mention of it on the web, it still remains a subject that appears to be completely non-existent in the mainstream. I had no love at all for Clinton, but it was amazing how much effort went into his impeachment for doing as little as cheating on his wife. All the Congressional attention and all the media attention that went into his infidelities, something that should never have wasted so much of our time, was an example of just how petty our politicians can be. as well as how much they can accomplish if they put their minds to it. Yet, when evidence arises as to what I consider, treasonous offenses by the Whitehouse, not a damn thing comes of it. A man who screws around on his wife gets dealt with, but a man who continually breaks his oath to defend and protect the Constitution, because he considers it's just a goddamn piece of paper, gets to subvert everything the people once believed in, and get away with it unscathed. Even with his low approval ratings, which is a clear sign the public would support action against a runaway Presidency, they still take no action because we're currently under one-party rule. If both parties held relatively equal power, Bush would've been out on his ass before he could even try to run for a second term. In fact, I doubt he would've been awarded his first term.

The danger here is all the precedents his administration has set. With no legitimate attempts to put a stop to any of his lies and manipulations, they will stand, and be built upon by every future President, no matter the party. Once an authority gains a power, it can only be removed forcibly. And for the good of the nation and the world, it should be removed by political force, otherwise......well let's just hope the politicians do their duty, before citizens are forced to act.

Yes, the silence still pisses me, but I will tell you exactly why nothing's been done. I blame the lack of action on this, not on those in the majority party who are blocking all attempts at regaining Constitutional rule by law, but directly on the doorstep of Conyers himself. That's right, the guy who gathered the goods. Remember the date of the reports' release, it was December 18, right at the end of the year when all the others were hurrying to settle all the issues they'd put off till the last minute, before going on holiday vacation. It was the wrong time to bring out such a report. Had he waited just one month later and introduced it after the holiday, it would've gotten far more attention. Though I was glad to see it at the time, I knew the timing was wrong. Politicians who were interested, would be distracted by the mad rush to push through all their pet pork projects and nonsense legislations that they love to sneak through when nobody's looking. The media were already distracted by that bullshit War on Christmas, and the rest of us were distracted by holiday cheer.

So, yes, here it is again, the Iraq Report. One of these days, someone just might do something about it.


Sunday, February 26, 2006

A Growing Afghan Prison Rivals Bleak Guantánamo

"While an international debate rages over the future of the American detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, the military has quietly expanded another, less-visible prison in Afghanistan, where it now holds some 500 terror suspects in more primitive conditions, indefinitely and without charges."

"While Guantánamo offers carefully scripted tours for members of Congress and journalists, Bagram has operated in rigorous secrecy since it opened in 2002. It bars outside visitors except for the International Red Cross and refuses to make public the names of those held there. The prison may not be photographed, even from a distance."

This 4 page New York Times article on an Afghan prison camp puts a little light on a situtation that's probably worse than in Cuba and Iraq because so little information about it has come out. While much of the spotlight has been on treatment at Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo, we hear little about treatment of prisoners in Afghanistan. Without a spotlight, who knows what's been going on there regarding abuses. What we need are some leaked photos. We occasionally hear of the released prisoners' complaints, but without any revelations leaked by our own people, there's nothing to prevent the sickening abuses we've read so much about elsewhere from taking place there too. And let's be real, those other abuses/tortures were not anomalies.


Ford sued over Argentine abuses

"Former workers of an Argentine Ford factory are suing the firm over what they say were serious abuses during the military rule of the 1970s and 80s."

"They say local managers conspired with the security forces to have union members taken to a detention centre on the premises, where they were tortured."

"Ford has in the past denied torture took place on its property."

"Several foreign firms have been probed by the Truth Commission, which said abductions of union members did occur."

Another example of the history of corporate complicity in crimes committed against the people of South America. It should come as no surprise, since the "Dirty War" in Argentina was endorsed by our own government:

"At the height of the Argentine military junta's bloody ''dirty war'' against leftists in the 1970s, then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger told the Argentine foreign minister that ''we would like you to succeed,'' a newly declassified U.S. document reveals."

"The transcript of the meeting between Kissinger and Navy Adm. César Augusto Guzzetti in New York on Oct. 7, 1976, is the first documentary evidence that the Gerald Ford administration approved of the junta's harsh tactics, which led to the deaths or ''disappearance'' of some 30,000 people from 1975 to 1983."

This is just a reminder of the pattern exhibited by our government and corporations that have led to so much misery and suffering around the world, perpetrated by our "allies" on their own people. It shows how any excuse about human rights violations is never the real reason we may decide to use political or military force on another country. In fact, it's never been a consideration. The pattern existed long before and long after Argentinas' "Dirty War", which shows how ridiculous our governments' "concern" for the people of Iraq under their former ruler is, whenever we're told it was one of the reasons we went to war. It all just depends on whether or not a government complies with our geopolitical and corporate goals. As long as they support us in our political and economic strategies, we care nothing about how they treat their own. It renders mute, any insulting claims that anyone hates us just for our Freedoms. If they hate us, it's because they know how big a hand we've had in eliminating their freedoms.
