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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Saturday, February 18, 2006

The Dangers of a Middle East Nuclear War

"The Bush administration's new nuclear doctrine contains specific "guidelines" which allow for "preemptive" nuclear strikes against "rogue enemies" which "possess" or are "developing" weapons of mass destruction (WMD). (2001 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) and Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations (DJNO) )".

[Note: The above paragraph contains a broken PDF link to the DJNO on that sites' page. I'm providing the corrected link here:Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations.PDF ]

"The preemptive nuclear doctrine (DJNO), which applies to Iran and North Korea calls for "offensive and defensive integration". It explicitly allows the preemptive use of thermonuclear weapons in conventional war theaters."

"In the showdown with Tehran over its alleged nuclear weapons program, these Pentagon "guidelines" would allow, subject to presidential approval, for the launching of punitive bombings using "mini-nukes" or tactical thermonuclear weapons."

"While the "guidelines" do not exclude other (more deadly) categories of nukes in the US and/or Israeli nuclear arsenal, Pentagon "scenarios" in the Middle East are currently limited to the use of tactical nuclear weapons including the B61-11 bunker buster bomb. This particular version of the bunker buster is a thermonuclear bomb, a so-called Nuclear Earth Penetrator or NEP. It is a Weapon of Mass Destruction in the real sense of the word. Its utilization by the US or Israel in the Middle East war theater would trigger a nuclear holocaust."

This article is for those that think a nuclear strike on Iran won't be considered practical by our leaders. Another page on the same site will also be of interest for those that don't want to think it possible:

"There are ongoing consultations between Washington, Paris and Berlin. Contrary to the invasion of Iraq, which was opposed at the diplomatic level by France and Germany, Washington has been building "a consensus" both within the Atlantic Alliance and the UN Security Council. This consensus pertains to the conduct of a nuclear war, which could potentially affect a large part of the Middle East Central Asian region."

"Moreover, a number of frontline Arab states are now tacit partners in the US/ Israeli military project. A year ago in November 2004, Israel's top military brass met at NATO headquarters in Brussels with their counterparts from six members of the Mediterranean basin nations, including Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Mauritania. A NATO-Israel protocol was signed. Following these meetings, joint military exercises were held off the coast of Syria involving the US, Israel and Turkey. and in February 2005, Israel participated in military exercises and "anti-terror maneuvers" together with several Arab countries."

I believe it's coming because everything that's taken place since this administration has come to office, every revelation that proves they'll do whatever they want, whenever they want, regardless of legalities, American public opinion, and values, leads me to conclude that this budding dictatorship will let nothing stand in its' way. The nuking any country on a first-strike basis almost has to be done. We know we can't afford the troops necessary to conquer the world, but we sure have enough nukes to throw at those who defy us, and scare the hell out of those even thinking of defying our updated "Manifest Destiny".


History of CIA Interrogation

"A new expose gives an account of the CIA’s secret efforts to develop new forms of torture spanning fifty years. It reveals how the CIA perfected its methods, distributing them across the world from Vietnam to Iran to Central America, uncovering the roots of the Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo torture scandals. The book is titled "A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation, From the Cold War to the War on Terror."

Here is one of three interviews broadcast today by Democracy Now. All three deal with the recently released Abu Ghraib photos and videos, but this particular one deals with the history that led up to it. This page gives the transcript of this one, as well as links to the video stream and audio MP3 of the whole show.

Of special note in this segment is the description of "sensory deprivation" and "self-inflicted pain", both long used torture techniques by the CIA. Those techniques, when compared to some of the earlier photos from Abu Ghraib, as the interview explains, pretty much eliminates the argument that the people convicted for those crimes, were doing so without any official supervision or instructions.

The photos show that those low-ranking soldiers who were supposedly acting on their own, were using the same methods that the CIA had long ago found to be the most effective. That certainly cannot be coincidence. We're supposed to believe that those soldiers, out of enthusiasm, misguided patriotism, frustration at seeing their fellow soldiers killed and wounded on a daily basis, or any excuses that came out in their trials, just happened to stumble onto the exact methods used by the CIA. Their orders came from a lot higher up, and those orders came with instructions to use those same methods.

But, like I said in another post, nothing else will come out of these photos. As far as the government is concerned, the case is closed.


Friday, February 17, 2006

Haiti election authority says fraud tainted vote

"Haiti's presidential election was tainted by signs of fraud including blank ballots that represented a third of the votes cast in some polling stations, electoral authorities said on Friday."

"The conclusion of fraud served as a defense of the Provisional Electoral Council's decision a day earlier to hand the election to Rene Preval, a champion of Haiti's poor who had complained over the ballot irregularities. The finding conflicts with statements from some international organizations."

I'm glad to see this. In spite of all the efforts of the elite minority, the U.S., and a few other governments, they failed to prevent the election of someone who appears to care for the poor majority. In case you missed them, check back to the articles linked in these posts to see some of the attempts to subvert the election:

Consultants Advisory Group (CAG) Spying in Haiti

U.S. Gvt. Funding Anti-Lavalas Groups in Haiti

Haiti and the hidden hand of Washington

Now comes phase two. Having failed to get a puppet elected, the show isn't over for those that work behind the scenes. If the pattern continues, attempts will be made to persuade Preval to drop his pants and bend over for the ones that wish to keeps things as they are. If he doesn't accept bribes, or cower to threats on his life, then more money will be spent buying the loyalty of opposition groups to incite unrest. They'll pay to produce another coup to install a corporate-friendly government. They'll do whatever's necessary to get their way.

The only thing in Prevals' favor right now, is the same thing that allowed so many other changes in the politics of our "backyard"; the conquest of the middle-east. If not for the focus on the securing of the worlds oil resources, in the guise of the war on terror, many of the newly elected leaders in this hemisphere would not be in power. With Haitis' history though, I suspect Prevals' days may be numbered anyway.

But I'd loved to be wrong. I'd love to be wrong on most everything I say in all my posts. Time will tell, it always does.


The Basra video should lay to rest a scurrilous lie

"Since April 2003, the people of Basra have consistently been bemused by reports that they and their city enjoy a state of calm and stability under the command of the British forces, in contrast to the north of Iraq and the so-called Sunni triangle. As someone born and bred in Basra, I hope that the recent images of British troops beating young Basra boys to within an inch of their lives will allow such claims to be laid to rest and show a fraction of the reality that has made life throughout Iraq a living hell."

Yes, abuse isn't limited to just American troops, the British get in their licks too. After checking out that page, be sure to visit this one to see the imbedded video:

Torture must be so much fun that one forgets to watch out for cameras.


Abu Ghraib - Real Video

"Back in 2004 when the first shocking pictures were originally leaked, the world recoiled in horror, but since then the Bush Administration has fought tooth and nail to prevent the American public from seeing any new images of the treatment of Iraqi detainees, but tonight Dateline reporter Olivia Rousset reveals new photos and videos. Despite the currently overheated international climate, we are showing them because they show the extent of the horror that occurred at Abu Ghraib. A serious warning though - some of the images you're about to see are pretty confronting and may offend some of you."

From this page you can see an Australian Dateline program, in imbedded Real Video, or Flash, as well as several photos taken during the same period as those released in 2004. Do not watch if you have a weak stomach.

Since the scapegoats for these crimes have already been tried and sentenced, I don't expect anything more will be done to prevent this in the future, since our open policy is to torture anyone we want. I don't expect any higher officials to be held responsible either. I do expect that there are now standing orders, likely from the Whitehouse, that no more visual evidence of our crimes be taken, as they cause people to forget we are the "good guys". We are, aren't we?.......aren't we? Ok, don't answer that.


Thursday, February 16, 2006

Committee Report on the Preparation for and Response to Katrina

"On September 15, 2005, the House of Representatives approved H. Res. 437, which created the Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina. Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert named Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA), the Chairman of the House Government Reform Committee, to serve as the Chairman of the Select Committee."

"According to the legislation creating it, the Select Committee is charged with conducting "a full and complete investigation and study and to report its findings to the House not later than February 15, 2006, regarding-- (1) the development, coordination, and execution by local, State, and Federal authorities of emergency response plans and other activities in preparation for Hurricane Katrina; and (2) the local, State, and Federal government response to Hurricane Katrina."

Well you've been seeing it in the news, now read the full report for yourself. Now it'll take another disaster to see if anything changes for the better.

Probably nothing will change, as long as we continue the practice of having political flunkies assigned to head major agencies of government, every time a new administration comes to office. They should be chosen only from capable employees within the individual agencies, or at least have an extensive background in whatever field the agency is involved in. No matter what proceedures are setup, if the guy at the top is a clueless lackey, who knows their job will only last as long as their political benefactor lasts in office, they'll never be as good for us as someone who knows their job, and has spent their career at it.


Saddam Transcript -- 'Terrorism Is Coming'

HUSSEIN: Terrorism is coming. I told the Americans a long time before August 2 and told the British as well, I think Hamed was there keeping the meeting minutes with one of them, that in the future there will be terrorism with weapons of mass destruction. What prevents this technology from developing and people from smuggling it? All of this, before the stories of smuggling, before that, in 1989. I told them, "In the future, what would prevent that we see a booby-trapped car causing a nuclear explosion in Washington or a germ or a chemical one?"

Well if this is all the "former federal prosecutor" meant in my last post, by saying; "Saddam Hussein discussing ways to attack America with weapons of mass destruction", then it was a clear attempt at spinning Saddams' comments to mean that he himself intended to attack us with WMD. That doesn't appear to be the case. This is the same kind of deceptive wording that had many believing this war was necessary.

I'm still waiting for the "smoking gun".


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Secret Saddam WMD Tapes on ABC Nightline Special

"Secret audiotapes of Saddam Hussein discussing ways to attack America with weapons of mass destruction will be the subject of an ABC "Nightline" program Wednesday night, a former federal prosecutor told Cybercast News Service."

"The tapes are being called the "smoking gun" of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq. The New York Sun reported that the tapes have been authenticated and currently are being reviewed by the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence."

Hmm. Interesting the government had this so-called "smoking gun", and just now got around to releasing them. I'll be sure to watch ABC Nightline and see for myself. There's been plenty of time to "create" convenient evidence to suggest there were WMD in Iraq prior to the invasion. I would've thought they'd consider it in their best interest to bring them out sooner, until I read another page of this same website:

"Sada, who is a national security adviser in Iraq's new government, alleges that in June 2002 Saddam transported weapons of mass destruction out of Iraq and into Syria aboard several refitted commercial jets, under the pretense of conducting a humanitarian mission for flood victims."

That little tidbit might just be another "smoking gun" that could be the reason the tapes weren't revealed earlier. We needed time to deal with Iraq before focusing our gunsights on Syria. We're already building the case to nuke Iran, so we might as well hit two birds with one stone. After all, if these tapes are supposed to be proof that Saddam had WMD just before we invaded, then "what happened to them?", will probably the big issue in the coming days after the tapes are made public. If Syria got them, well, we'll just have to do something about that won't we?

Yes, it's time we started getting around to terrorizing ourselves into believing that our lives are in imminent danger from Syria. If we can make ourselves sufficiently afraid of them too, at the same time we're cringing in fear of Iranian nukes, then it should be acceptable that we nuke them both at the same time. Right?
After that, we'll have control of Iraqi, Iranian, and Syrian oil fields, as well as piplines through Afghanistan.

So far, the neocon plan still seems to be continuing right on track, without any real objections from those who could put a stop to this madness; us.


Iraq vet quits Senate race

"An Iraq war veteran angrily quit the Ohio Senate race Tuesday, claiming he was double-crossed by Sen. Charles Schumer and other leaders of his own Democratic Party."

"Paul Hackett charged that "behind-the-scenes machinations" by Schumer, D-N.Y., and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., cut off his campaign money to avoid a potential primary faceoff with Rep. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio."

"Hackett, a lieutenant colonel in the Marine Reserves, said he was quitting politics rather than take the party's advice to run again for the House in Cincinnati's suburbs."

The Democrats have once again shot themselves in the foot, and sabotaged what could've become a legitimate counter to the Republican agenda. They're so busy trying to help their long-time colleagues that they keep bypassing fresh prospects. With no real platform to compete, they still let a war veteran go that could shine light through the fuzzy cloud the administration and its' party have pulled down over the publics eyes. We hear so little from the current wars' vets, that it's unconscionable for them to let an opportunity like this to get by, especially in the midst of all the corruption revelations against their opponants. They should be embracing these veterans, and holding them up to help prove the deceptions of the conduct of the war, and lack of any government respect for the returning vets.

To judge for yourself just how badly they screwed up, read what the Republicans said about it:

"The GOP pounced on Hackett's exit as a "Valentine's Day" gift from the Democrats that would take the spotlight off national and Ohio Republican corruption scandals."

"The Democratic Party bosses dumped a candidate with mainstream vote-getting potential for one of their most liberal members," said National Republican Senatorial Committee spokesman Dan Ronayne."

This is why no one who wants to see a 'regime change' here at home should sit back and hope the Dems will come to the rescue, they won't. The politicians already in charge are the ones that need to be dealt with, and not rely on their incompetent competitors.


"Internet and Empires"

"Greetings. A little over two weeks ago, I was invited to Google's Los Angeles (Santa Monica) facilities to give an informal talk (titled Internet and Empires) on a range of Internet-related topics. Video of that presentation is now available, and since it touches on a number of familiar issues, I thought that it might be of some interest."

"The topics naturally included a number of the controversial issues related to Google, but also more generally privacy, free speech, ISPs, data retention, government and legal issues, censorship, network neutrality, and more."

I was made aware of this a few days ago through The PRIVACY Forum newsletter I subscribe to. I only listened to the audio version, but I highly recommend you all watch or listen to this. It covers many internet issues that are very relevant to everyone, no matter what country you live in.

Though you hear the speaker clearly, they did a bad job of capturing the voices of those in the audience asking questions, but that doesn't really take much away from talk, so I still think you need to catch it.


U.S. Royalty Plan to Give Windfall to Oil Companies

"The federal government is on the verge of one of the biggest giveaways of oil and gas in American history, worth an estimated $7 billion over five years."

"New projections, buried in the Interior Department's just-published budget plan, anticipate that the government will let companies pump about $65 billion worth of oil and natural gas from federal territory over the next five years without paying any royalties to the government."

"Based on the administration figures, the government will give up more than $7 billion in payments between now and 2011. The companies are expected to get the largess, known as royalty relief, even though the administration assumes that oil prices will remain above $50 a barrel throughout that period."

See how the government takes care of the people they really care about. They're still screwing the Katrina victims, and everyone else on the bottom, as well as the middle and working class who are paying for everything, while they blatantly raise budgets for programs that only benefit those at the top. They continue to lower or eliminate taxes for their friends. Now, as a slap in our faces, they decide not to collect billions from oil companies who are already reaping excess profits.

It's amazing they would do that, right after hearing how many more billions the President wants to continue his wars of conquest. They cut taxes for the rich, raises them for the rest, and somehow expect it to all balance out. You would think that during a time of war, those that are going to benefit by it (big oil), would have to pay their fare share. You would also think that all those middle and working class bush supporters would know by now just how much they're being ruined by their hero. You would think that there would be riots in the streets demanding a change in government behavior.

But.....all's quiet on the homefront......


More Abu Ghraib Photos

"Some of the photos are similar to those published in 2004, others are different. They include photographs of six corpses, although the circumstances of their deaths are not clear. There are also pictures of what appear to be burns and wounds from shotgun pellets."

"The executive producer of Dateline, Mike Carey, said he was showing the pictures leaked to his program because it was important people understood what had happened at Abu Ghraib."

"Seven US guards were jailed following publication of the first batch of Abu Ghraib photographs in April 2004.'

Here are more of the photos the administration has been trying to keep secret, since they just might give the world the wrong impression of our noble cause. It's about time more were leaked, as they clearly contradict our Fearless Leaders' words that; "we don't do torture". We obviously do.

It's funny that with our history of instructing and demonstrating to the security forces of dictatorships we've supported in the past, on how to torture and abuse people, we never got around to instructing our own rookie torturers not to document their handywork by taking pictures. Our seasoned, professional toturers within our intelligence agencies would never make such mistakes, since it removes the "our word against theirs" argument.

Still, as in the past, it will be explained away as being committed by just a few over-enthusiastic "bad apples", and the true criminals whose orders they're following, will pay no price at all.


Monday, February 13, 2006

In U.S. Public's Eyes, Iran Biggest Foreign Menace

"Nonetheless, the latest poll, released Tuesday by the Pew Research Centre for the People and the Press, found that some 27 percent of respondents cite Iran as Washington's greatest menace -- three times the percentage who ranked it at the top of foreign threats just four months ago."

"The same survey, which polled 1,500 adults during the first week of February, also found that nearly three in four (72 percent) believed Tehran was "likely" to launch attacks on Israel if it obtained nuclear weapons. An even higher percentage (82 percent) said they believed the Iranian government would likely transfer nuclear weapons to terrorists."

Here's another attempt at shaping public opinion towards acceptance of another unnecessary war, in the guise of a "poll". This time they use 1,500 people (who are supposed to represent almost three hundred million people), to get you to believe that most of us are scared to death of Iran. The intent is to get you ready for war, and to inform the administration on just what it's going to take to convince you to go along. They don't say exactly what the poll questions were, or the exact responses. What we're getting here are the opinions of the interpretation of generalized questions and responses of a select few. The only way to understand for ourselves what the poll means, is knowing the exact manner in which the questions were asked, and this doesn't give it. It doesn't even say if the 1,500 were random, or targeted, which would make a very big difference, though not to me, since I don't believe that any 1500 can accurately represent a country of this size.

If you've been following this blog and all the articles it's linked to, then you're probably aware that certain people in government have intended war with Iran from the moment they came to power. The same steps are being taken, that were so successful in getting everyone to accept and want war with Iraq. Highlightling all the tough talk from our new adversary, using the Sunday morning news shows to inform and convince you of the "dire threat", a threat to Israel, a threat of "terrorism", and of course, the threat of "WMD". All the ingredience are being gathered and mixed together to form the recipe for another phase in the crusade, inspite of the false promise of using force as a last resort.

The timing is just right, because there's been so much public focus on Iraq and the growing scandals at home. And let's not forget the need to convince the public that the Republicans are the only ones who can "keep us safe", before this years' elections that could threaten their sranglehold of the Congress. There's also the need to get us into another war before the Presidential elections come around again. They all want to stay in power and will do whatever it takes to scare us into submission so they can continue their plans for economic domination of the globe, particularly the oil producing regions.

I repeat my warning against relying on the Democrats to pull us back to reality. They're very much part of the problem. All of the politicians of all parties need to be made aware that the course we're on is intolerable. Perpetual war cannot be allowed. We The People must must keep our heads clear of the lies and manipulations, and act by demanding our principles be upheld, before it's too late. The issues are much greater than Iran, and the real threat, much closer to home.


Sunday, February 12, 2006

Churches to mark Darwin's birthday

"Nearly 450 Christian churches around the country plan to celebrate the 197th birthday of Charles Darwin on Sunday with programs and sermons intended to emphasize that his theory of biological evolution is compatible with faith and that Christians have no need to choose between religion and science."

Since I've made a number of posts against those fundamentalists who pretend to be Christian, I thought it'd be nice to present some true Christians for a change.

As you can see, not all Christians are as irrational as those who work to force a medieval theocracy on us all. There are plenty who actually value true science, and understand the difference between facts and faith. But unfortunately they don't make for good media coverage like those who call on Gods' wrath to punish those that don't believe as they do.

The media spends a lot of time highlighting the opinions of these radicals, even to the extent of helping promote the illusion that their opinions are wide spread. A previous post on the CBS Poll: Majority Reject Evolution, shows what I think, as just one lame attempt.

So far, the not-so-Christians' attempts at subverting an already troubled education system have failed:

Even the Cathlic Church has had to step up and speak on the subject to try and restore reason:

This whole issue wouldn't even exist to the degree it has, if not for the....

Unlike the radicals, true American Christians understand it's not the business of government or any of its' institutions to impose a religious belief, no matter how it's disguised. They acknowledge the original Founders fears, and resulting prohibition, against rule by religion.


The Making of the Enemy

"The manufacture, marketing and dissemination of bogeymen enemies, both real and fictional, for a long time endemic in American society, has always worked to perfection, becoming the inertia used to control the population. It becomes the energy needed to maintain America’s permanent wartime economy. The creation of unseen bogeymen into supernatural evildoers fits the perfect mold of how the American citizenry has been brainwashed over the years through the use of Hollywood movies and television, with the constant themes of good versus evil, of fantasy and sensationalism, and of course the always needed happy ending, where the good guy always triumphs over the villain."

This two-page article will go a long way in pissing you off, if you're still a true-believer in the self-righteous cause of "The American Way". In these two pages, is a constant repetition of how and why, if you're an American, you live in fear. It points out many of the same points I've been making since starting this blog; that we are under a constant state of manipulation, to our own detriment.

True, it's a dangerous world, but the fear of it, and for our own lives has been so greatly exaggerated we can't see straight. Perspective is all out of proportion, and we're willing to do and believe anything or anyone, that promises to "keep us safe", no matter how irrational.

The article expresses what I've known since childhood, when I first became "politically aware". Growing up through the 60s and 70s, it was hard to avoid the realities of our true national interests, as constant revelations were being forced upon our consciousness. We were consistantly learning how we had been lied to, and manipulated. We learned how corporations and the government were in collusion to seize control of other countries, and lied to about the reasons. We learned the lengths the government would go, in protecting itself through illegal operations against it's own citizens who were only seeking civil justice. We learned through the Church Commitee hearings, and other investigations, just how much those in power were intent on having their way, in direct contradiction to what average Americans thought their country was all about.

Even with all the exposures that cumulatively would lead to the conclusion that governmental policy in general, was the problem, it was never presented that way. Each item of despicable behavior was treated as an anomaly; only one bad apple, in a barrel of good ones. That led to the general belief (by the public) that only a few new regulations, and weeding out a few people, would put everything right. Many knew better, but that's how it all turned out. Things got quiet, but nothing really changed.

Now, everything's gotten worse. The manipulation is much more blatant, the lies are more obvious and in the open, yet, there's no serious threat being posed against those who've made the world a much more dangerous place. There are no real investigations of the true nature of our activites at home and especially abroad. The use of fear has worked very well, and will continue, as long as we choose to have our thoughts feed to us.

If nothing else, that article will serve to explain to the rest of the world why many Americans are going along with what is obviously an agenda of conquest that enriches only a few at the very top of the food chain. We in America can only see "the terrorists", so articles like this are only seen as "hating America", as I'm sure I'm viewed.
