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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Prone to Violence

"THE BUSH Administration has argued that promoting democracy in the Islamic world, rogue states and China will enhance America's security, because tyranny breeds violence and democracies co-exist peacefully. But recent experience in Iraq and elsewhere reveals that the early stages of transitions to electoral politics have often been rife with violence."

"These episodes are not just a speed bump on the road to the democratic peace. Instead, they reflect a fundamental problem with the Bush Administration's strategy of forced-pace democratization in countries that lack the political institutions needed to manage political competition. Without a coherent state grounded in a consensus on which citizens will exercise self-determination, unfettered electoral politics often gives rise to nationalism and violence at home and abroad."

"Absent these preconditions, democracy is deformed, and transitions toward democracy revert to autocracy or generate chaos. Pushing countries too soon into competitive electoral politics not only risks stoking war, sectarianism and terrorism, but it also makes the future consolidation of democracy more difficult."

Here's an interesting piece that goes into the reasons, with examples, as to why our new foreign policy of changing the regimes of anyone we don't like, to promote democracy in certain countries, should be taken more intelligently, if at all.

While this article should give pause to anyone who supports Bushs' democratization policies, we still shouldn't lose sight of the fact that that was not the reason we went to war in the first place. Ridding the world of the "Evil Saddam", only later came to be promoted as a prime excuse for war after we learned that the main reason (WMDs) was a lie. It was an attempt the divert attention away from the lies. Several other excuses were given, and still being made, like fighting terrorism there, so we won't have to at home, even after most intelligent humans understand that there was no terrorist threat to us from Iraq, before we invaded. That being said, Bush still has never given us his real reasons for going to war, considering the fact that he knew all along Iraq was not threat. He knows that neither Syria, Iran, or North Korea, pose any threat to us, even if they do have nuclear weapons. Invading them, are next on his hit list. But why? Is it necessary to totally ruin our economy, as well as the lives of countless military personel, just to spread democracy? Well that's the plan regardless of the consequences.

While we all ponder the likelihood of a successful outcome in Iraq, you should all look into the people responsible for taking us down this road, and see that it's not for our benefit at all. There's a power-hungry group pulling the strings, who care little for anyone other than themselves, gaining power, and the riches they will gain by profiteering off of Americas war machine, as well as placing economic strangleholds on other nations, begining with Iraq. Read for yourself about them, they aren't hidding, and they aren't some invisible secret society only conspiracy theorist can see. Check them out....

Practice to Deceive (from April '03)

Bush wanted Bin Laden, Neoconservatives wanted Iraq, Why?

Neo Con Artists

Neo-Conservatism Archives

Neoconservatism in the United States



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